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Tuesday, February 11, 2014
CINTA kerana....
Posted by roses at Tuesday, February 11, 2014 0 comments
Monday, February 10, 2014
::who's the HAPPIEST??...::

Have you ever read the biographies of rich people around the world who were so famous and great but.....did not have faith in Allah??.(..uh..huh..)Where are they now?? (what do you meannnn??) Are they ended their live with happiness??(uh...not sure..)Where are the big houses and mansions that they built?...It is gone....It's all has come to an end.....
Based on my reading, newspapers, people's conversations and other sources I found out that most of them committed suicide, they were imprisoned and lead a misery life (Naudzubillahiminzalik). Why is that so?? Isn't that wealth, popularity, beauty, are things that matter the most in life?? nahh.. Every wealth in the world can never buy happiness and create joy...if you think the answer is yes, you maybe right to some extent..but think again, would you be happy without light and guidance from Allah the Almighty, our creator??
Well, you see...whenever a person is being tested with misery and difficulty...even how bad he or she might be, he will definitely turn back to Allah, the Creator. Why? Because it is fitrah. That's the beauty of being a muslim.
No one is happier than those who believe in Allah..We should be glad and thankful for the ni'mah of Islam as our religion.
I am no pious just sharing a little knowledge and reminding each other. #PEACE
Posted by roses at Monday, February 10, 2014 0 comments
Friday, February 7, 2014
:: smiling is a social obligation kayh :D ::
Smiling is a social obligation kayh. Because if you want to mix with people, you really have to be nice to them. We have to understand that social life requires human skills at which you really have to be skilled at, and one of which is smiling. :) Do you know that, when you smile at people, you are actually sharing the beauty of life?? Don't worry a smile does not cost anything, but it gives a great deal!! And smile is sadaqah righto? Yesss :)
Smile, because it looks good on you ( a sincere praise from me ;))
“Your smile to your brother is a sadaqah (charitable act) for you. Your commanding the right and forbidding the wrong is a sadaqah. Your guiding a man in the land of misguidance is a sadaqah for you. Your seeing (showing the way) for a man with bad eyesight is a sadaqah for you. Your removing a stone or thorn or bone from the road is a sadaqah for you. Your emptying your bucket of water into your brother’s (empty) bucket is a sadaqah for you.” -alhadith
Posted by roses at Friday, February 07, 2014 0 comments
Friday, January 31, 2014
Alhamdulillah..I am so grateful to Allah S.w.t for the success that He granted to me. Yeah, I know, I was not a bright student. My result may not be as good as others…but still I am thankful to Allah for the opportunity that I have got..An opportunity for my mom to see me officially graduated and finished my law degree and passed all the papers..
Most of my friends knew of the facts that I was never had
the intention to read law…but it was written in luh mahfudz that law was meant
for me..Allah knows what’s best right..i am glad that throughout my study time I
was circled with friends who were so supportive. Ana uhibbukum fillah….
(I really do love my friends)..
But, one thing that sadden me is that…I am not going to
continue with my LLBS..
‘achu, it’s a waste u know…only one year left..”
‘achu..kite ingat awak sambung llbs..”
‘achu…jom la sambung..ramai yang tak sambung..”
‘achu..tak best la achu takde..’ (ngee bangga kejap..)
Dear friends, how I wish I could be together with you guys
and pursue llbs…how I wish we could read the so called ‘kitab kuning’ together
and translate the bizarre and fantastic arab vocabs that we rarely heard of ngeeee…I am really going
to miss those moments where we attended angah’s mini lecture (where maurid
dictionary was so useful sampai achu punye da lunyai huhu)..
I am surely going
to miss all the asatizah who had always been kind to us!! (Seriously, never met
2x degree lecturer yang garang ngeee sume baik2 and supportive and layan je
kitorang). Especially Ustaz abd rahman
whom I adore so much and always thought him as my own father.. (Yeah maybe
because of his look and his character that resembles my late father)..And the
thing that that I will miss the most was our chaotic class..(x pernah stress
dalam class sharia’h) :’)
Friends, I am really sorry that i can’t be with you guys… I am
not in the position that allows me to continue with my llbs… I know you guys
knew about it.. Allah dah tetapkan jalan hidup kita masing-masing...Don’t worry I am surely will come back to uia and belanja
korang as promised inshaAllah..
P/S: korang study elok2 k and please3x jangan lupe achu
tau..achu doakan korang berjaya dunia akhirat :’)
Posted by roses at Friday, January 31, 2014 0 comments
Sunday, April 29, 2012
kembali berteduh dibawah kasih Illahi...............
Posted by roses at Sunday, April 29, 2012 0 comments
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
there's a hero
::BELIAU hero saya::
Betapa indah dan bahagianya jika insan yang bernama Ayah berada disisi. Ayah seorang hero yang melindungi seorang isteri iaitu mak dan anak2 nya yang dia cukup banggakan. Ye semua orang pasti memuji ayahnya dengan cara tersendiri…n so do i….mengingati ayah mengingatkan aku kepada series of memories n events….
Ayah seorang yang sangat supportive sangat murah dengan senyuman…sampaikan kawan2 ayah pak cik2 ku saudara mara kalau Tanya “aman yang mana ni rahman yang mane?”….mesti org cakap
”alaaa…aman yang selalu tersenyum memanjang tu’
hehe yeah right that is my ayah ayah x habis2 senyum je kadang2 lawak juga ngn ayh ni hehe….aku along angah atin n amjal sangat menyayangi ayah ayah sememangnya seorang yang sangat supportive n protective….ayah selalu akan puji anak2 nya..walaupun benda2 kecil yang anak2 dia buat…n x kurang juga ayah akan marah kalau ade perbuatan kami yg x kena….kalau da degil sangat confirm la kene marah kan
Aku sebagai anak yang paling bongsu yes diakui adalah org yang paling manja n rapat ngan ayah…ayah u are my everything…. ayah ngan mak memang 2 org yang berbeza well the differences between them that made them a sweet couple….ayah memang jarang marah sngt cool orangnye tapi once ayah marah huhu pasti terketar2 kaki anak2 n cucu2 nya…hehe suara yah selantang kilat hehe lagi2 bila tibe waktu solat subuh n sahur..wah cam bergegar rumah ni….xde sape berani bangun lambat hehe ayah kira alarm clock yang terbaik
Ayah adalah the best father ever…
"Ayah" ya ALLah rindu sgt nak panggil ayah….ayah sudah lama pergi..tapi sikitpun aku x pernah lupekan ayah…along selalu pesan kalau ade free time bile ingatkan ayah sedekahkan alfatihah…yes baik along!
::IMAM kami::
Ayah seorang imam yang baik….bacaan ayah memang menusuk kalbu…ayah seorang guru mengaji yang yang x pernah pun minta bayaran….ayah ckp xpe la ikhlas!! Masih aku ingat kenangan dengan ayah kalau tiap hari jumaat kami solat subuh berjemaah n ayah akan baca surah assajadah…kdg2 ayh menangis bila baca doa….
Kdg2 kalau aku teringatkan ayah aku akan bukak almari baju2 ayah….aku peluk aku cium baju2 ayah…betapa rindu nye diri ini dengan ayah yang tersayang…sebab tu aku rase sakit sangat bile ade anak2 yang sanngup kurang ajar derhaka ngan ayah2 mereka….sedarlah semua mak dan ayah adalah the best gift ever yang xkan pernah kite dapt kat mane2….yang x kana de galang gantinya….ingatlah bila satu hari nanti mereka meninggalkan kita tiada seorang pun yang bisa mennganti tempat mereka…Please people remember this: u ‘ll never know how it feels of losing a father until u experience it one day..jadi hargailah ayah anda!
Ayah…ayah…nurul rindu sangat ngan ayah…. Ayah is my hero…ingat lagi hari2 terakhir dengan ayah, ayh pesan…."nurul jaga diri nak..jaga mak tu" T_T
::ATUK yg sporting::
Ayah seorang atuk yang sangat best…tempat favourite ayah adalah giant n tesco…kitorang panggil dua tempat ni second home ayah rumah kedua ayah…sebab tiap2 kali cucu2 dia nk dtg rumah terus serbu tesco x pun giant semata2 nak penuhkan peti ais ayh ckp “ nanti cucu2 ayah dtg x makan pulak…nk beli banyak2 jajan ni” ... sebab tu hari ayah pergi cucunye antara yang terkesan dengan pemergian ayah…atuk yang sangat sporting!!
:: HARI2 terakhir::
Kenangan menjaga ayah tika ayah sakit..memang sgt mengajar diri ini erti sabar, tabah n sayang…ye benar disebabkan ayah adalah org yg paling sangat aku sayangi aku sanggup buat ape je utk ayah…aku x tidur malam pun x pe janji dapat tengok ayah selesa dalam keadaan ayah yg sedang sakit…..the same goes pada kakak2 n abg aku…mereka x kisah berhabis duit untuk rawatan ayah…..semuanya sebab kami saaaanggaaaat sayang ayah….mak, antara yang paling tabah..aku n kakak2 n abg x menyangka yang mak setabah itu….mak x menangis sebagaimana kami meratapi permergian ayah….tapi aku tahu mak memang cuba menabahkan diri di hadapan kami….
Ayah selalu ckp masa hari2 terakhirnya…
”ayah bersyukur sangat..terima kasih sebab jaga ayah”
Antara perkara yang x boleh aku lupe sewaktu malam pertama pemergian ayah…saudara mara n kawan2 memenuhi rumah kami…..tiba2 mak ckp kat aku..
”nurul panggil ayah turun ramai dtg ni”
…lepas tu mak beristighfar….tangisan aku makin menjadi2…mak lupa ayah da pergi tinggalkan kami semua menghadap ILLAHI….mak ckp
“ mak lupe ayah dah xde…ayah kan suka bila ramai2 org dtg rumah”
….ye betul tu la ayah…ayah memang sgt suka bila ade tetamu dtg rumah dia….katanya seronok bile ramai2 berkumpul….
I wish I might get someone that imitates ayah…ayah, sekarang ayah da pergi…mungkin hidup aku kini x seindah sebagaimana ketika ayah masih ada disisi…tapi kita yang hidup mesti meneruskan hidup ini..embrace the present..kdg2 aku rase sunyi tanpa kehadiran seorang lelaki yg bergelar ayah..ayah yang sentiasa melindungi ank2nya….sedih bila tengok kawan2 lain pergi balik hostel ayah diorang yang hantar T_T
tapi aku bersyukur aku masih mempunyai abg n ank2 buah n aku ade mak n kakak2 tersayang…..im glad that I have a big happy family…
ALFATIHAH buat ALLAHYARHAM ayahku yang tersayang
p/s: i'm not looking for ur sympathy,this is something that needs to be shared..Its interesting to note e importance that ALLAH places on children respecting and honoring parents. Our parents love us n we need to appreciate 'em!
Posted by roses at Wednesday, September 07, 2011 0 comments
Saturday, September 3, 2011
no doubt please
"Jika semua yang kita kehendaki terus kita MILIKI,
bagaimana kita dapat belajar IKHLAS?
Jika semua yang kita impikan
segera TERWUJUD bagaimana kita dapat belajar SABAR?
Jika setiap doa kita terus DIKABULKAN
bagaimana kita dapat belajar IKHTIAR?
Jika hidup kita selalu BAHAGIA
bagaimana kita dapat kenal ALLAH lebih DEKAT?
adalah TERBAIK untuk KITA"-by adek imah utk achu(mekaceh)
dua is powerful! please dont make doubts whenever we recite our dua'(hm like i cant possibly be successful as i never know how to n i cant possibly see how i can get though this calamity n what not...) ..if we do have doubts whether ALLah is going to grant our wish or not..then khalas, e dua that we recite is merely an uttered words...but if and only if we expect that Allahu rabbul 'alamin will grant our wish inshaALLAH it will happen as Allah would not dissappoint mu'min who make the dua as his silah... addua' silahulmu'min..
wallhua'lam im no pious only sharing little things that i know... may every good deeds u've done will pave e road to jannah! ameen
-mawar berduri-
Posted by roses at Saturday, September 03, 2011 0 comments
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